Friday, September 19, 2014

10 book list challenge

1.Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
   The book was interesting to me because I like the genre fantasy. It also had some intense and action moments. Harry didn't think anyone cared about him since his aunt and uncle would treat him wrong. They make him do all the work and spoil his cousin Doodley who is a bully to him. Then Harry gets a letter in the mail saying he was excepted into the school of witchcraft and wizardry. He was the son of a great wizard and witch. He goes on many journeys and learns a new sport. But he goes on one adventure that changes his life.

2.Percy Jackson and The Lighting Thief
Percy Jackson wasn't the coolest kid going to school. He wasn't the smartest either. But he was special. He just didn't know it. His best friend always got bullied because he had bad legs.  One day he went to a field trip with his school. Instead  of his math teacher he had an old cranky substitute. But at this field trip he's going to, his life is going to change forever.

3.The Fourth Stall
You've seen the Godfather. Now come look at the 4th Stall. Chris Rylander is the Godfather of his school. When you ask for something and give him the rite price he'll handle it for you. But some challenges are tougher than others. When one day he meets the toughest challenge of all.  Will he be able to accomplish this mission, going through bully's and high schoolers.

4.Percy Jackson And The Sea of Monsters
Reading this made me feel adventurous and action packed. There were a lot of intense battle scenes. Fighting monsters and each other. This is one of my favorite top five because of all the intense moments. It was very nerve wrecking as well. The author used key details that made chills go down your back like a cold winter day.

This book had an impact on my life. It makes you think about how you treat people everyday. Do you think about how they feel? Do you look at them funny or weird? Do you think that you'll never talk to them? Without even getting to know them? Why we do these things? I don't know. But before someone judges someone Im going to tell them to go talk to them and get to know them. If they say no I'm going to talk to them and get to know them.

6.Green Eggs and Ham
This book was basically why I started to like reading. This is one of the first books I've ever read. First my dad read it to me and I instantly fell in love with it. I read it everyday. I liked the rhymes and the word play. But at the time I didn't know what that was. After about a month of reading that book my grandma showed me a new book which you will read about in number 7.

7.The Giving Tree
This book was good. I just didn't like the man on the back when I was younger. But besides that it was amazing. I learned you should always stay loyal to your friends. Even if they you move away and start a family. The tree was their for the man all the way and all he wanted was her stuff. at the end when he came back he could only sit on her stump but that made her happy enough. I thought that you shouldn't talk to or help the person anymore if they betrayed you. But when she let him sit on her stump, I realized you shouldn't always hold a grudge on someone you care about.

8.Diary of A Wimpy Kid (Series)
This book describes most middle school students today. I see people like this almost everyday. People trying to act popular, funny, cool, pretty, etc. It's an easy vacation book.I've read all of them cover to cover.  I read them when I'm bored and i've finished the book I'm currently reading. Well if you haven't read them, I highly recommend you read it.

9.Out of My Mind.
Honestly this book should've been in the top five but I wasn't thinking about it at the time. Its such an inspiration to all the kids out there there that are disabled. We always think just because they are in a wheel chair they aren't smart or funny.  Everyone is unique in their own way, people just judge base off of looks and not heart.

The way the author describes it I feel like I'm in the actual book, or I'm watching a movie. Stanley the main character has had bad luck all his life. He was a little over weight and always got bullied. His Grandpa says the bad luck comes from his no good dirty rotten pig stealing great great great grandfather. But one trip to Camp Green Lake his life changes. It starts out bad until one day when he gets stranded in the dessert with his best friend Zero, his luck finally begins to change.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

About Me

Hello everyone my name is Jeremiah. I am a 7th grade student and this is one of my first blogs. I enjoy playing sports and video games. My favorite sports are basketball,football, and soccer. My favorite video games are Madden,2K14,Blackopps two and Fifa. My favorite subject is Social Studies. I have one younger brother that goes to Irving.

I like to read all types of books. I don't have an exact favorite, but one of my favorite authors is Rick Riordan. My favorite book by him is Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. Im reading his third book rite now. I want to read "The Boy Called It". Well thats all you get to know about me today, talk to you later!