Thursday, January 22, 2015

Battle of the Books

Book "The Thief Lord"
Pages read:8-37
Prompt: Summarize

           I'm reading a book called "The Thief Lord" for battle of the books. I've liked the book so far. It's about two orphans that run away from their grandpa's house to Venice Italy.  There names are Bo and Prospector. Their mom died and they were forced to live with their aunt. They found a group of other run away kids and started living with them in an abandoned movie theatre.  They get their money and food from the Thief Lord. They all have different roles for the the Thief Lord, like staking out the building he's going to rob or distract someone. Prospector and Bo are usually used for shopping, but Prospector doesn't mind because he feels his aunt is looking for him.
        The Thief Lord is a kid around 14 who can get into anything. Any security, people, traps, anything. Nothing has ever stopped him. He never got caught. He robbed one of the biggest jewelry stores in Venice and the police have no evidence or leads to who did it. He wears a bird make, the ones that have a beak. When he sneaks in the abandoned building at night he startles the other kids.
       I have a prediction of what Bo is going to be when he's older. Bo is fascinated by the Thief Lord. He always wants to do runs with him, ask how he does everything he does, and ttys to steal like him. Therefore if the Thief Lord ever got caught Bo would take his place. He would be the next Thief Lord. He's sneaky, quite when he has to, and gets to places easier than the others. If the Thief Lord got caught, I wouldn't be surprised if Bo stood up and took care of everybody.
       This book is amazing so far, but I'm pretty sure theirs more to come. It's mostly like a mystery so far. Their is one part in the beginning were Bo and Prospectors aunt went to a detective to try and find  them. He always found everything he looked for, but he never has looked for a child. After that though, I haven't heard of the detective since.