Friday, October 31, 2014

Never Fall Down

Jeremiah T
Blog of the week
pages read 1-23

The book I'm currently reading is called Never Fall Down it is really good so far, I can't wait to finish it. They are in fear of getting bombed by America, so the whole town is leaving. It takes place in Cambodia. The main character is a boy named Arn. He lives with his aunt and 4 sisters and little brother. They are poor and go to a poor school that are reached by Monks.
            Currently they are traveling, they have gone so far Arn and his aunt don't even know were they are anymore.  A lot of people are dying because they are traveling to far and barely have any food and supplies to live. Even though a lot of people died, I think even more are going to die because America is going to bomb them out. Or America is going to shoot at them, but Arn will get away and be alone.
             I recommend this book to anyone in 5th grade or older. Their aren't that much challenging words because Arn has english errors when he speaks. But it's still very descriptive I feel like I'm in the actual book. Like when an soldier killed a man just because he wouldn't let him ride his bike. It's got all types of surprises, so when you read it, be prepared.

Thursday, October 23, 2014



The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time
Favorite Characters
Least favorite character

        My favorite character from the book is Christopher. We seem to have a lot in common, we both love math, we can only wright about real life events or things that happen, and we love mysteries. He's different though, he's really honest and kind. as long as you don't touch him because he hates being touched. He will hit you if you touch him for to long.
         His father is one of my least favorite characters, even though he looked after Christopher by himself since he was 6. But he lied to Christopher, he told him his mom was dead when she was really in London with her new boyfriend. He killed Wellington and didn't want Christopher trying to find out who murdered him. His actions made Christopher run away and face a lot of his fears,he  traveled to London to find her and live with her.
         Christopher has a lot of conflict in this book. Two of the main conflicts were man vs self and man vs society. One example of man vs man was when he was arguing with his dad and ran away. Another one was when he hit the police officer for touching him. An example of man vs society when he was at the train station and he was terrified of everyone. When he was on the train he stayed in the bathroom cupboard, no one noticed him until they took their suitcases from out the cupboard.



Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Lady Or The Tiger?

Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right and opened it.  As he opened the door with a smile, he thought he was going to see a beautiful lady standing there. But a vicious tiger with teeth as sharp as knives and nails as long as a mans finger pounced into the air on top of the man.
       The man with his body full of terror tried to fight back but didn't have enough strenthg or power for the vicious beast. Right when the tiger was about to kill the man, he looked at the princess and she had a plane look on her face. Her eyes seem to be filled with evilness and cruelty, only if the man had new the princess  would be jealous if he married another women.  He gave her a look of sadness and despair then died instantly after the tiger bit his neck.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Direct and Indirect characterization

Jeremiah T.
The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time
Author Mark Haddon

The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time has both direct and indirect characterization. The author uses indirect characterzation in chapter 11 page 9, it was "I didn't like him touching me like this. And this is when I hit him."The Author is using indirect characterization because he isn't telling us exactly what he is feeling or why we didn't like the police officer touching him. We just know that Christopher is uncomfortable so he hits the Police officer.

The setting can affect the main character Christopher a lot. When he went to the store with his mom he was afraid of all the people and got on the floor and started screaming. Or when he goes to a new place he always makes a map of how the place looks, he is frighten of being in a new surrounding with a lot of people he doesn't know. Thats why he hit the police officer, he doesn't like being touched, not even by his own parents. He doesn't hug them, he gives them hand hugs.

There isn't really a lot of conflict with Christopeher. Some parts are man vs man or man vs society. Conflict rose because his dad didn't want him to do detective work and try to find out who killed Wellington. Then his dad is always telling him to stop the detective work and stop writing in his book. Another time conflict rose was when Christopher was going on the train by himself and there were a lot of people, he was terrified, he could barely make it to the ticket booth. Then there was a police man looking for him to get him of the train but Christopher hides in a cupboard in the trains bathroom. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time

I am currently reading "The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time."  So far it is the best book i've ever read. The book is about 15 year old boy named Christopher Boone.He has Autism, and he try's to find the person who killed Wellington, a dog. He knows a lot about maths, but not a lot about people. He never has gone by himself anywhere further than the end of the road. But one day he sets out on a terrifying journey that will change his life.
          This book is good for anyone who loves mystery novels. Also if you don't know about Autism, or never heard of it, you should reads it because the narrator and detective and has Autism. The author uses words that the describe things very well, it makes you fell like your in the actually book.I recommend it to anyone in 6th grade or higher. As long as it's on your level or if you can understand it, because it has some pretty challenging words.