Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Never Fall Down"

Never Fall Down
Pages Read: Finished book
Prompt: Summary of the book

        The year the book started in was 1975, but finishes in 1984. That's 9 years of surviving,starving, sickness with no medicine, and fighting for your life. Arn must be the toughest character ever. He's gone through so much, more than you can imagine. It's just unexplainable. The way the author uses word choice is powerful. I felt I was in the story that I was sitting right next to Arn and I was his shadow. I mean it's probably one of the best books I've ever read.
       His personality changed a lot from the beginning till the end. He starts off nice and has feelings like the rest of us. Liked his next door neighbor nada favorite candy, had fights with his sister normal stuff. Then the war started happening, so everyone is traveling on feet, carrying their houses on their back from the youngest child to the oldest man. So you see men, women, and children just dyeing, in their sleep and sometimes they just drop dead to the floor. If they don't die like that the Khmer Rouge shoot them.
       This story reminds me a little bit of the Haulucaust. You got the Khmer Rouge (Nazis) and their leader Angka (Hitler). It's so similar the army treats everyone unfair, even the rich people. If you don't do whats told or break the tiniest rule they will kill you. Then Angka is the leader of them that tells everyone what to do, just like Hitler did.
       I recommend this story to anyone in 6th grade or up. This has some pretty brutal scenes in it. Very descriptive words that made every bone in my body shiver. Plus appropriate age does a big part. They do some things and say some things that kids shouldn't read about, so I strictly say 6th or up.

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