Thursday, November 20, 2014

Never Fall Down

Jeremiah T
Pages Read 57-119
Book: Never Fall Down

                I have a lot of predictions about this book. After almost  every page I had a new prediction. The book leaves you guessing left and right. You don't ever want to stop reading it. I want to safe one of my predictions with you, I predict Arn is going to be the last one alive out of his group. They are traveling on foot in the hot sun all day, carrying heavy guns, ammo, and bags of rice. So someone will start complaining and blow their cover, then the Vietnamese will come and take them hostage.
                The main character had two emotions for most of the book. Well mostly one, he is cold hearted. It's like the Khmer Rouge took away his innocence and his friendly heart. He doesn't even feel anything when someone gets killed, because people get killed everyday. If you show sympathy, you die, if you see a prisoner you die, and if you try to talk back or take a break, you die.
                I recommend this book to anyone 12 and up. It is very interesting, it may not be a little easy to understand, but there is some intense language and moments in this book. I didn't expect this at all when I started to read this. I feel like I'm in a war against the Vietnamese everyday and fighting for my life. The author uses very explicit detail, so it may make you want to throw up.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you predict that Arn will be the last one alive in his group? How many people were in his group to begin with?
