Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Never Fall Down"

Jeremiah T
Book: Never Fall Down
pages read: 3-41

         I'm currently reading the book Never Fall Down so far it is surprising and a good story. The main character is a boy named Arn who has to look after his family, even only at 12 years old. He gambles against older men to gain money and bribes the monks so he can get out of school to sell ice cream. He's not the best writer but it's still very descriptive and entertaining.
          The book is about Arn and his family in Cambodia struggling to get enough food for everyone and clothes. He lives with his aunt, 3 sisters and younger brother. One day Arn and his family had to leave their town because a group named Khmer Rouge says America is going to bomb the whole town. They get all of there stuff and march far deep into the country and jungle.
           This book reminds me of Hitler and the Nazis. The Khmer Rouge is like the Nazis but I don't know who the leader is. They are an army and they basically tell everyone what to do. One soldier told a teenager let him ride his bike, and the boy says no because he has to go home. But the soldier hits the kid in the face with his gun and knocks him out cold. You have to be careful with them, do one thing wrong you can get killed.


  1. You should add a picture next time. Other than that, Great Blog, this book seems sad.

  2. I like how you compare this group to the Nazis. You should do some research to see what group is taking over Cambodia? Also, what did you mean by this..."He's not the best writer but it's still very descriptive and entertaining." Are you referring to the author? If so, the author is a woman.
