Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection

March 26, 2015

     This years poetry unit was most likely harder than any other poetry unit i've ever done. Even though it was challenging, it was pretty fun. I got to learn all types of poetry. Some i've already heard of and some i've never heard of. The most fun and challenging poem to me was the Nonsense poem. I had writers block and couldn't think of anything, until bam it hit me.  Also it was hard to think of your own words to put in the poem.

     Poetry is usually a vital part of what people have experienced or how their life is or was. Poetry had or has a lot of impact on my life.  It lets me express myself when I can't say it out loud. It's like when people make songs, they usually say what they do.  I feel I write my poetry about how I feel, or what i've seen. Some serious or humorous. Most of my poems are humorous, but if I wanted to, I could make a serious one about how I felt about the world today.

       Poetry belongs to anyone who writes about it. I didn't think I would like poetry, but I found it pretty fun. I know it belongs to anyone who writes about it because there is so many different types of poetry in the world. A lot of poetry is not really judged. There are poems with out commas or punctuation marks. To me as long as you get the basics down of what type of poem you are writing, you really don't have any limit.

Here are the links of some poetry I wrote:

"The Drop Off"

This poem I found is about a character named Dallas moving away but doesn't want to. They drop him off somewhere near his car, but they don't walk him. He looses his cats and the place he is moving to is called Ranch Arabia. This page that was assigned to me was difficult to use and work with to make a poem. It took me about 30 minutes after constantly scanning over the words to find a good poem.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Nonsense Poem"


Setrd: Funny
Ftret: Outrages
Sytey: Purple Monkey
sipdt: blue bananas
hiusty: Green Gorilla
sacknsack: Kidnapped
shabersack: Hut / house
yankyeres: Beyond fun and crazy

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spine Poem

I created this poem because I am currently reading a book about the Holocaust. I feel this connects to the Holocaust and a kid that may have been killed in it. Maniac Magee is the name of the boy. The Boy on the Wooden Box was  Maniac Magee who was hiding from the Nazi's because he was Jewish. Haunting is the boy getting hurt and killed then coming back to haunt others. Trapped is Magee being stuck in a place were he haunts until the Nazi's are done for. In darkness is Magee doing in an evil dark place. No where to run or hide, just haunting in the darkness.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Two Voice Poem

Andrew Frost:                                                                                   Rew:

I have experienced anger issues                                                    I just started reacting to mine
                                                          We are the same

I've seen it's consequences                                                           I haven't hurt anyone
                                                       Our red hair resembles us 

I wish I can take it back                                                              Everyone wishes it won't happen

                                                         Anger is apart of us

I lost close ones because of it                                                      I still have everyone

                                                          It's inevitable 

The pain hurts inside                                                                   It won't hurt me 

                                                      That's what they all say

It almost made me cry                                                                 I'm not like you

                                                       We are equal 

My dreams were crushed                                                              I'm sure it won't be tough

                                                     That's what we think

I though the same                                                                           I won't be the one to blame

                                                    Containment is key

I'm telling you. You wont be the same                                  I know what I'm doing I have more brains                                  
                                                     Be careful what you say 

Thinglink Interactive Poem 3/18/15

Friday, March 13, 2015

3rd quater reflection


              This third quarter was tough going, but interesting. This was the most challenging quarter of my life so far. I had to work really hard and manage my time right, to get my grades back up. Also this quarter, we took the constitution test. Which I wasn't to fond of because I got 77/87, which is a B. I was at an F in math in the begging of this quarter. Although, I did get it up t a B, my parents weren't satisfied. This is a wake up call for me to work harder and finish my class work.

             Even though it was a challenging quarter, I improved on a lot of things this quarter. My blogs have improved since the last two quarters. Also my objective summary's have improved recently. I forgot to put the author's name in the topic sentence and put to much details in the whole paragraph. I learned how to wright different types of poetry. One example is my rhyme scheme poem. We have recently did our extended metaphor. It's posted on my blog if you would like to read it.

            This has been an amazing quarter, besides it being challenging. I hope the next quarter won't be as challenging because I feel I have to much work to do and get stressed out. However, I always love a challenge and feel I always need to come out on top. I'm really looking forward to the next quarter.

Here's some of my rhyme scheme poems.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Extended Metaphor Poem


Two choices in my face
Basketball and football
They were both a huge part of my life
But I could only choose one

Two different groups of friends waiting for me
They want my big choice
Which ever one I don’t choose may despise me
But I could only choose one

The football kids will say I’m to soft to play football.
The basketball kids will say I left my brothers hanging.
Football has concussions
Basketball knee and ankle injuries
But I could only choose one

I have made my choice.
I choose basketball
The football kids just say “ok” and joined us
Then later we played football
I realized we could do both
But I could only choose one at a time.

Zebra Forest Bio Poem.


Outrageous, curious, intelligent, hateful

A character in Annie B's story  

Love of Grams, Annie B, Zebra forest, pirate books, and Chess

Who notices when he's bad at a game and when someone is lying

Who feels angry when he is let down and lied to

Who learns how to beat everyone at Chess and disobey the enemy

Who used to think their grandma was truthful, but now knows she lies

Major character in Zebra Forest

A book that will shock and interest you.