Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blog#9(Brain Teaser)


  This was a very tough brain teaser. It took long and hard to figure out, but after hours of stretching my brain and thinking about it I finally figured it out.
     First of all, Jack is definitely not the murderer. He's the brother of the murder do that takes him off the suspect list. Dan can't be the murder since he ran a marathon and the murder had his leg amputated. Also, Ben is not the murder because he just had met Jack and the murderer and Jack had grown up together.

    Therefore, that only leads Jeff and Mike. I know for sure Mike didn't grow up with Jack and Jeff is still alive. Therefore, I find Jeff as the murder! Another fact is that Jeff is going to install Bens computer. Therefore, since Ben just met Jack and the murder and Jack grew up together, that means Jeff had to meet Ben as well. 
       Mystery solved

Blog #6

In the following articles "What Does a $250,000 Ticket to Space with Virginia Galactic Actually Buy you" written by Daisy Carrington and "Off to Space for a Year, an American's Longest Journey" written by Kenneth Chang both inform us about space crafts, and exploring new things in some type of way. Back in April, Virgin Galactic hit a milestone. By next year onwards, they are bringing space traveling to the general public. However, the tickets cost $250,000, and that's just for one seat. Meanwhile, Scott J. Kelly is trying to break the record for the longest time, in space, from America. In the article they said he's reaching for a whole year, 365 days. 

Further on, I do believe future generations will travel to Mars based off the fact that our technology will be more advanced than now. Also because in the article "Off to Space for a Year, an American's longest Journey," they said "That is part of the groundwork NASA wants to complete before it would be ready, in a couple of decades, to send Astronauts to Mars." This is why I think they will send astronauts to Mars, they just need the right equipment. They have more things to redress and more test to take, because I believe they can get the trip done in 3 decades tops.  

If I could afford to pay to be one of the first space tourist, I still wouldn't do it. I just like knowing the fact here on Earth that I can control what I'm doing. Or I can get myself out of a tough situation easy. However though, space is a whole new game. What if there's a problem with the ship and I or no one else around me can control. I just feel safer staying on the ground.

Blog #7

Blog #7

  For this weeks blog I have decided to write about having trouble finding the inspiration for the main idea of my blog.  
         All week I was having trouble finding creativity for my blog topic. Staying up late every night hoping to find inspiration. Now on Sunday night, I'm living every kids worse fear of walking into school with nothing to turn in. However, tossing and turning in bed, sweating and headaches, I ran across this topic and decided to give it a shot. I don't know if the blog has to be based off the book or free choice so right now, I'm kind of nervous.

       I was trying to find new ways and bend my thinking by connecting how I feel to the book I'm currently reading STUNG;but couldn't. Though, I can connect it to the article "More Parents, schools trying to dig out piles of homework." It reminded me of it right away because I'm stressing out over a simple two free choice paragraph blog. It's kind of witty or amusing. I've been in this situation many times before so I know how to manage my impulses unlike other all nighters homework students.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Blog #8

           If I were 18, I would vote for candidate Bernie Sanders. His campaign ad really influenced me to give him my vote. The music and how powerful he spoke made me get engaged into what he wanted to do for our country. How he spoke in front of all those different crowds, and how they reacted at the end of every speech. However, I think as I mature and get older, when I'm really 18 I will understand more about politics. 

        I agree with his statements on education, how he said that he would increase public funding so every student could recive a free college education.  Also, I agree with how he feels on domestic  policy. How people should have to pass a criminal and a public safety background check when purchasing a gun. Plus I like how he says illegal immigrants should be provided health care and granted citizenship.