Friday, March 13, 2015

3rd quater reflection


              This third quarter was tough going, but interesting. This was the most challenging quarter of my life so far. I had to work really hard and manage my time right, to get my grades back up. Also this quarter, we took the constitution test. Which I wasn't to fond of because I got 77/87, which is a B. I was at an F in math in the begging of this quarter. Although, I did get it up t a B, my parents weren't satisfied. This is a wake up call for me to work harder and finish my class work.

             Even though it was a challenging quarter, I improved on a lot of things this quarter. My blogs have improved since the last two quarters. Also my objective summary's have improved recently. I forgot to put the author's name in the topic sentence and put to much details in the whole paragraph. I learned how to wright different types of poetry. One example is my rhyme scheme poem. We have recently did our extended metaphor. It's posted on my blog if you would like to read it.

            This has been an amazing quarter, besides it being challenging. I hope the next quarter won't be as challenging because I feel I have to much work to do and get stressed out. However, I always love a challenge and feel I always need to come out on top. I'm really looking forward to the next quarter.

Here's some of my rhyme scheme poems.


1 comment:

  1. Great Job on your blog!! I liked how you wrote the things that you have improved upon. I also liked how you aded one of the poems you wrote. Great Job!
