Monday, August 17, 2015

Summer Blog 2 pt 2

Book: Abduction

Prompt: Do you like what you are reading? How did the reading make you feel? Is what you're reading believable?

                        I loved reading this book when I was younger. it used to be my favorite. However though reading it as I'm older. It doesn't feel the same. I forgot most of the stuff so I was kind of excited. The book was way more predictable. I kinda felt like I knew they wouldn't get away here or they would get caught here. I guess it's because I read it before. Therefore what I was reading was okay. Wasn't bad but wasn't good.

                        This reading made me feel I should appreciate my family more. I have a father that comes home every night. My family is still together. However any of that could change. Also it's not 100 percent my little brother wont get kidnapped. It could happen to anyone. Even me. Therefore now I feel more appreciate of what I got.

                         What I am reading is very believable. Sometimes it could get fictional but besides that you would think this was based on a true story. I wonder if the author ever experienced anything like this. That would explain why it was detailed very well. I hope I get to read more books like this as a vacation book. Always will be a favorite despite what I said in the paragraph before.

Summer Blog 1 pt 2 MAY HAVE SPOILER

Book: Abduction

prompt: Describe something you read that's similar to this and describe the major conflict

                   In the book Abduction by Peg Kehret is another book I finished over the summer. Despite the name it's more of a vacation book. However, the content is way more serious than a Diary of a Wimpy Kid. In this book there is a brother and a sister. The sister is older. They live with their mom because their dad passed away when they were little. But one day the little brother gets kidnapped by a man no one has ever heard of. Now the sister has to make cautious choices of what she does because it could end her or her brothers life.

                 The major conflict of this book is that the brother and the sister get kidnapped. However no one knows by who. The kids later find out whose the man behind his disguise. Bonnie (the sister) has to look out for her and her brother. They make many attempts to escape but fail many times. But this man isn't an ordinary kidnapper. No hes intelligent. Therefore if Bonnie wants to make a break for it, she's gotta lot of thinking to do.

                  Something that I read that was similar to this was a book by the same author. I can't remember the title. However it was about a girl who was baby sitting and two men come in and kidnap her and the little girl she was baby sitting. The parents were rich so the men used them as a bribe. They were kept in a cabin in the woods. They were recorded everyday and the girl uses things she wrote down in her book to help find where they are at.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Blog Two

Book I read: Diary of A wimpy Kid (vacation)

Prompts:  After reading I wonder. describe your least favorite character and Do you like what you're reading

Pages read:Finished

                       After reading I wonder if Greg and Rowley will continue to be friends. I understand you will have arguments but they were separated from the beginning of the school year. Also, I wonder if his uncle will ever switch moods and start to mature. His uncle already had 3 wives. He rushes into things like hes still 16. Rodrick still is looking for a job. I'm kind of surprise because I actually think hes serious. He even took down his rock n roll pictures and started posting pictures of him reading books. I guess Greg will never find that popularity that he is so desperately looking for. Another thing, I wonder why I'm getting so worked up over a vacation book!? Well I guess that's a good thing. I really enjoyed slowing down and reading this.

                        My least favorite character is the youngest brother Manny. He always ruins everything. I don't blame him since hes the youngest because my brother is the same way. However, Manny made Greg fail health class. Also he always finds something and ruins it. I connect to Greg though because ill get in trouble if my brother broke MY stuff! Not always, buts it happened before. I was surprised , but me and Greg will never stop loving them. Besides picking on them is worth getting in trouble.

                       I love this book. I forgot how easy it is, but how good it is. It's the best vacation book. Well at least it is in my eyes. I remember this was my favorite book. Its just good to slow down from your problems and pick up and get the recent updates from Greg. Listening to his problems make yours seem like nothing, depending on the circumstance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer Blog One

Book I read: Diary of A Wimpy Kid (vacation)

Prompts: Describe the main character, describe the character you would like to meet and describe the major conflict

Read: 0-83

              The main character is Greg Heffley. He's not the most popular kid in school. He tries to become noticed but always ends up failing. Whenever he does get attention or noticed it's always negative. He doesn't really play any sports but definitely plays a lot of video games. When he gets older he wants to be famous but that's not likely. He only has one friend and that kid is also not popular. However, Greg lost his friend so now hes basically alone.

              I would like to meet the character Rodrick. Rodrick is Greg's older brother and hes also not very popular. Even though he has his own band, they have a very small fan base. They play rock n roll music. Rodrick is the oldest of his brothers, so it kind of reminds me of me. I'm older than my brother and I like to pick on him. I think me and Rodrick would get along very well. Especially if we planned out things to do to our brothers. However, I met someone like him in real life, except different taste in music. One of my best friends is the oldest brother too. Therefore I basically met my Rodrick.

           There are many different conflicts in this book. A lot. However the main one is Greg finding a new best friend since him and Rowley are split up. I think they will make up, but if not then Greg better start searching. He has one main option but I think he still doesn't want to let Rowley go. on the other hand Rowley is having the time of his life. I think he feels more comfortable since he doesn't have that negative influence in his life anymore. Greg does treat Rowley more like a slave than a best friend anyway.