Thursday, March 12, 2015

Zebra Forest Bio Poem.


Outrageous, curious, intelligent, hateful

A character in Annie B's story  

Love of Grams, Annie B, Zebra forest, pirate books, and Chess

Who notices when he's bad at a game and when someone is lying

Who feels angry when he is let down and lied to

Who learns how to beat everyone at Chess and disobey the enemy

Who used to think their grandma was truthful, but now knows she lies

Major character in Zebra Forest

A book that will shock and interest you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked your Bio Poem. "Disobey" is one word, not two. Also you forgot to add a picture. Other than that great job!

  3. Thank you. I will update it.
