Thursday, November 20, 2014

Never Fall Down

Jeremiah T
Pages Read 57-119
Book: Never Fall Down

                I have a lot of predictions about this book. After almost  every page I had a new prediction. The book leaves you guessing left and right. You don't ever want to stop reading it. I want to safe one of my predictions with you, I predict Arn is going to be the last one alive out of his group. They are traveling on foot in the hot sun all day, carrying heavy guns, ammo, and bags of rice. So someone will start complaining and blow their cover, then the Vietnamese will come and take them hostage.
                The main character had two emotions for most of the book. Well mostly one, he is cold hearted. It's like the Khmer Rouge took away his innocence and his friendly heart. He doesn't even feel anything when someone gets killed, because people get killed everyday. If you show sympathy, you die, if you see a prisoner you die, and if you try to talk back or take a break, you die.
                I recommend this book to anyone 12 and up. It is very interesting, it may not be a little easy to understand, but there is some intense language and moments in this book. I didn't expect this at all when I started to read this. I feel like I'm in a war against the Vietnamese everyday and fighting for my life. The author uses very explicit detail, so it may make you want to throw up.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Never Fall Down

Jeremiah T
Prompt:Analyze the impact word choice has on the meaning or tone of a text.Analyze how dialogue or specific incidents reveal information about characters. Make sure to include textual evidence.

     The book I'm currently reading is "Never Fall Down" and word choice plays a big part in the text. The main character (Arn) is the narrator of the story. He is about my age maybe 11 or 12, even though 
you understand what he's reading and can visualize what's going on he sometimes writes complete sentences. Although you still understand him and can easily visualize what's going on.  It feels like your actually watching a movie about a kid in Cambodia, that doesn't speak English that well. 

     In the book, I feel like I'm actually in Cambodia taking orders from the Khmer Rouge and trying to survive without getting killed. They took away all of Arn's innocent soul. Here's an example on page 53 "Then the guy with the ax, he look at me. Deep in the eye. To see what I feel. I make my eye blank. You show care, you die. You show fear, you die. You show nothing, maybe you live." To me, it's really sad, but I guess he must have to learn to keep his life. I would do the same, learn to survive and change my feeling from time to time. Another example is "They see me looking at a prisoner, they think maybe I'm bad too. One day I see this guy from hometown, the taxi driver, the one with the big belly, the one I gamble and beat. Same guy but skinny now, no belly, skin sagging off his bone. I see him kneeling in the square, his hands tie behind, and I think: this guy can get me kill only by looking at me." I put this because he can't even see anyone from his old town without getting himself hurt or killed. Also you can't show any knowledge or the Khmer Rouge kills you. 

  Arn is very intelligent and kind. But his personality changes a lot in this book. He used to like this girl but he can't anymore because if you do you die. When he's the cook he steals a little rice at a time. See Arn is smart, he realized rice is like money. If you get your hands on it you can do almost anything. He bribes people with rice, he even bribed a soldier, and they are supposed to kill you if they find something like this out. Since he is the leader of the band, the Khmer Rouge give him breaks, but those breaks may not last forever.    

Sunday, November 9, 2014

1st Quater Reflections

          The first quarter was fun but challenging. I am interested in the 40 book challenge. I'm on my 11th or 12th book in the 40 book challenge. It's pretty fun being challenged to read a lot of books. I'm going to try read more than 40, which I believe is possible. My blogging skills from August until now have improved a lot. My blogs are way better now than they were in August. The best blog I did was the Poe Reflections.
           I learned a lot about the world and new people. I learned about Ebola, I never even heard about. I learned about the CDC virus, and that was happening in the Mid-west. I learned some new things about Malala, and Poe. Poe is now one of my favorite authors. He is very descriptive, and talented. I never even heard about him though, until I did research. My research improved a lot as well. I knew how to do research but not as good as I do now.
          This has been a great first quarter, i've learned so many things. Like writing a paragraph and not sounding repetitive. I got decent grades, all b's and one a, I hope they improve this quarter. I have a few things to work on though, like studying for the vocal quiz. I usually do a good job until now. But that's going to change and improve. I'm positively getting all A's this quarter. So we will see if this quarter is as same as the 1st one.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Poe Reflections

Jeremiah T

                 Poe's life could've effected his writing a lot, since he writes about dark and evil things and moments. Since he lost his father and mother at such a young age, and his brother and sister were separated from him. He had been through a lot of dark times himself. Going to college but being to poor to keep warm and has to burn his furniture to make heat. He was in gambling depths and couldn't pay them off and was struggling, so going through dark times and moments, could have led him to writing all those dark stories and poems.
                 What I found intriguing was that he been through so many dark times and things, but still became an excellent writer. Some people go through those times and make excuses about why they couldn't be someone or something. They say they couldn't do it because of this or that. Excuses left and right, but Poe did something with his life. Poe went back to his house to find out his fiancee had been engaged to another with his absence. He achieved his goal of going to the army and publishing his first book "Tamerlane" at the age of 18. Another thing I found intriguing was Poe and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day. 
                  Before my research I didn't know anything about Poe. I actually never even heard of him. Although  I'm glad I found out about him because he was very interesting to learn about. He had some really good things happen in his life and some really bad things. he's is a very good author and is very descriptive. I want to try to read more books by him and find out more about him. 
                  I'm curious though, no one knows exactly how he died. People don't know they just give suggestions, but when I read other people suggestions no one thought the same thing I did. I think he died from diabetes. I think he died from that because he was unconscious in the hospital but never could recover enough to tell what is wrong. My brother had diabetes and went unconscious for a long time but the gave him medicine and he was a little better. Back then though, they didn't have the same medicine or technology we have today.
            Even though I just started learning about Poe, I want to keep learning and discovering new things about him. I'm going to tell people about him and recommend his stories. So if you haven't heard about Poe look him up, and read y favorite book by him "Tell Tale Heart


Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Never Fall Down"

Jeremiah T
Book: Never Fall Down
pages read: 3-41

         I'm currently reading the book Never Fall Down so far it is surprising and a good story. The main character is a boy named Arn who has to look after his family, even only at 12 years old. He gambles against older men to gain money and bribes the monks so he can get out of school to sell ice cream. He's not the best writer but it's still very descriptive and entertaining.
          The book is about Arn and his family in Cambodia struggling to get enough food for everyone and clothes. He lives with his aunt, 3 sisters and younger brother. One day Arn and his family had to leave their town because a group named Khmer Rouge says America is going to bomb the whole town. They get all of there stuff and march far deep into the country and jungle.
           This book reminds me of Hitler and the Nazis. The Khmer Rouge is like the Nazis but I don't know who the leader is. They are an army and they basically tell everyone what to do. One soldier told a teenager let him ride his bike, and the boy says no because he has to go home. But the soldier hits the kid in the face with his gun and knocks him out cold. You have to be careful with them, do one thing wrong you can get killed.