Friday, May 22, 2015

Paradox Reflection

Paradox: "We shout that we are a nation of laws not men- and then proceed to break every law we can if we get away with it"

        This paradox is almost an everyday thing. People claim that our country fought for freedom and we have our fair laws and equal rights. However though, sometimes those same people break the law whenever they get. Sometimes it's not even citizens! Sometimes law enforcements do the same thing! Therefore, I think this is almost an everyday thing. I've seen people break laws on videos and in real life. Nothing to major though.

       This is a paradox I can relate to in different ways. One, our everyday citizens. We tend to say we love this country but then break the laws it enforces. They would especially break it if they got a free get away. Like the movie the purge. So many people went out to do crime and notorious thing's. Another thing is the law enforcements of this country do it! Shooting unarmed civilians! They shouldn't even breaking the laws if they enforce them, but they do. Most of the time they can get away with it to because of who they are.

Second Paradox: "We spend our time searching for security, and hate it when we get it."

         The paradox right here goes throughout our nation. People look for a home, job, car, etc. Then when they get it, they complain about it. They hate it or it annoys them. Even if it's given to them for free. All they do is start complaining and say how much they hate the place. However, the owner that lets them stay doesn't kick them out,  they let them stay; forgive and forget. It's madness sometimes. If someone spent their half their life looking for a job or home, why complain about it? That's the question, we don't know.

        I can relate to this personally. I knew family members that did it. Unfortunately they passed away, but it was very similar. One would spend all of his days looking for a job, then when he got one, he complained about how much he didn't like it. He'd live with my other relative and they got along, but they argued a lot to. However, no one ever got kicked out or left in the argument. They just forgave each other and got along again. It was kind of like an everyday thing. Complaints went on and on, but now they are in peace.

Commenting on:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Final Reflection Blog

1- What are the three most important things you learned this year?


                  One of the most important things I learned this year was how to manage my time wisely. I've heard it's not going to get any easier, so I needed to manage my time better this year than i've done previous years.  If I say so myself I did a good job, well sometimes. Another thing I learned was how to officially right a proper paragraph. I never really knew how to before this year. And the last thing I learned was how to annotate.

       2- What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?

              Something we did this year that I will probably never forget is battle of the books. We lost in a sudden death match because a kid in our group didn't remember something that happened in his book. However, it was really fun. I had to expand my reading just to help my group out. It was an amazing experience and the party we had after the contest was amazing.  Even though we didn't make it far, it was fun and i'll definitely be doing it next year.

      3- What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

           The nicest thing someone did for me was when Sam helped me how to study for my vocabulary quizzes. I was having trouble and my grade was dropping tremendously. I switched the way I studied and my grade started coming back up. I was so glad Sam did that. If I would've had an F I wouldn't be able to play on my basketball teams. 

   4- What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year?

              I taught a new classmate how to find the new vocabulary words and wright them every week. Also, I helped them with studying. It felt good to help someone that had the same problem as me when I first came. Also, I tried helping a student who is no longer here with the blogs, but I guess I didn't teach him well because he's gone. 

   5- In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?

         I feel I'm still making big improvement's on my blog. Every time I do one, I think it's better than the last. I just need to work on commenting, that's where I slack at. One thing I accomplished and was glad, was the big root word quiz. I thought I was going to fail, but I only got one wrong. 

6- What was the most challenging part of this year for you?

     The most challenging thing for me was time management. I still have trouble  with it now. I will try my best to improve on it next year. I think if I managed my time better, my grades would be better. However, this was my best quarter of the year to me.

7- What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think 
it is your best? 

       The best piece of writing that I did this year was my "Poe Reflections." I think it was the best because I used good detail and had a lot of information for each paragraph. Also, I liked it because it was about one of my favorite poets Edgar Poe.

8- Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why?

       The best book I read this year was The Curious of The Dog In The Night Time written by Mark Haddon. I liked it because it was about a boy just trying to figure out a murder of a dog, but he finds more and more about his parents and neighbors. Also, there were intense moments left and right. It was really good and I would recommend it to ages 12 and up.

      9-Advice for the new kids coming to 7th grade

        My advice for the new kids will is manage your time wisely and study  for any quizzes. I thought this year would be easy, but it was not. It's way more challenging then any other classes I took. Get ready for the first hardest grade of your life because it's coming. However, if you work hard you play hard. I went to a lot of plays and trips with this class and they were fun. Plus we got to miss all our classes except 9th, so it was fun. Also the parties were fun as well. The food was amazing. One last thing, if you like a challenge, do battle of the books, its fun and exciting.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Symbolism Blog


                    Something that symbolizes me is a bouncy ball filled with air. What does a ball do? Bounces right? That's how I feel. I bounce and bounce and keep bouncing. Unless a force stops me. However, it may be hard for that force to stop me. Also, if it stops bouncing, someone or something picks me up and starts bouncing me again. I usually don't stop bouncing or stop going.  Even when i'm at my lowest, I just keep bouncing. This ball is bright, noticeable, and would make someone want to kick or bounce it. That's how I feel when I meet someone new. To me, I feel it would be hard not to like me if I was someone else. Some people may not think about how a ball will symbolize someone because they don't think enough about it. However, I see myself as bouncy ball with air, that won't stop bouncing until i'm flat (dead).

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Of Mice And Men"


IV, What are your general thoughts, feelings, reactions of Of Mice and Men? What had the most profound impact on you or your understanding of the novella? Who would you recommend this  book to and why?

       My general thoughts,feelings, and reactions of Of Mice and Men were surprised. I thought the book was going to be way different. I thought George, Lennie, and Candy would go and get the Dream Ranch and live happily ever after. However, it didn't. George lost his best friend and the dream was over. I felt that they should've just ran away again and got the ranch with Candy. The dream could've still been alive, but I guess George thought otherwise. I was shocked when I seen the movie and George shot Lennie because he did it so fast. I thought he would point it at his head and let Lennie finish his sentence, then shot him. I guess the director felt that George did it quick and fast. That's the only part in the movie that I wish was different. 

       After I finished the book, I realized that the book took place in just a few days. That had the most profound impact on my understanding of the novella. I thought it was weeks, but it turned out to be one weekend. That shows how things back then were different. If it was a book that took place now, I think it would be so different. People today aren't that civilized because of all the electronics we have today. I don't think someone would have the courage to do what George did. Well, at least not a mercy kill. People today would've most likely did it off of hatred. 

       I would recommend this book to anyone who is mature enough to handle it. There is a lot of intense language in the book. Therefore, whoever is reading it has to be mature enough to here or read these words and not loose focus. Therefore if a 5th grader can handle it, let him read it. However from personal experience, I have lost focus because I saw a curse word in the book. So, if you're mature enough to handle reading intense words, you are able to read this book.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AOW Impressions


           In our gallery walk this week, I learned about two major events happening around the world. The Baltimore riots and the earthquake in Nepal. One thing I learned about them is that the earthquake in Nepal, was the biggest quake in over 80 years. In Baltimore, the riots started because of police brutality. I learned about this from Evie and Diana's article. I learned about Nepal from Sebastian and Sam. They both had different information, but it was because there articles were written at different times. The quake in Nepal reminded me of the 1906 quake in San Francisco.


   In Baltimore, there was a mother who took her kid out of the area with violence because she was so embarrassed. If more parents were like this, the riot would most likely stop. Also, the crime rate would go down and kids would be more likely to attend college. I never knew that if a older sibling stood up and taught their younger sibling/kids the right way to live, our country would be so different.

    This weeks gallery walk was pretty fun. Even though a lot of people focused on the earthquake and riot. I love doing the gallery walks and learning about the current events around the world. Then, when students have the same article, it's interesting to learn different facts about the same topic. I wonder how long we will keep doing these. Also, if we will do it next year in 8th grade. It's been real fun learning about the different events around the world.



Monday, May 4, 2015


Prompt: Based on your brainstorming via Edmodo, write a short poem elaborating on your dream and/or why dreams or visions are an important part of life. 

                 Dreams are normal for humans. Everyone around the world has them. From the lowest of the low in a third world country, to the most known king or president of a first world country. As a human, you can not deny the fact that you have some type of dream, good or evil. 

                Us humans dream of thing that are beyond impossible, and things that are just right around the corner. An example would be somebody wanting a cup of water to wanting to live forever. There are lots of dreams in different areas. There is not a day that goes by where no one in this world says "I wish."

             I dream that one day I make a big step towards my basketball career. Playing for Nazareth and hopefully making them better. Getting 3 chances at taking them to state with one of my closet friends.  After, I hope that I go to a D1 college. Mostly Duke, but i'll go anywhere. I dream of making my friends and family proud. I hope I leave no one behind, but if I do. I hope they find it in their hearts to forgive me. I dream of making everyone who doubted me realize what they were missing out on.