Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Of Mice And Men"


IV, What are your general thoughts, feelings, reactions of Of Mice and Men? What had the most profound impact on you or your understanding of the novella? Who would you recommend this  book to and why?

       My general thoughts,feelings, and reactions of Of Mice and Men were surprised. I thought the book was going to be way different. I thought George, Lennie, and Candy would go and get the Dream Ranch and live happily ever after. However, it didn't. George lost his best friend and the dream was over. I felt that they should've just ran away again and got the ranch with Candy. The dream could've still been alive, but I guess George thought otherwise. I was shocked when I seen the movie and George shot Lennie because he did it so fast. I thought he would point it at his head and let Lennie finish his sentence, then shot him. I guess the director felt that George did it quick and fast. That's the only part in the movie that I wish was different. 

       After I finished the book, I realized that the book took place in just a few days. That had the most profound impact on my understanding of the novella. I thought it was weeks, but it turned out to be one weekend. That shows how things back then were different. If it was a book that took place now, I think it would be so different. People today aren't that civilized because of all the electronics we have today. I don't think someone would have the courage to do what George did. Well, at least not a mercy kill. People today would've most likely did it off of hatred. 

       I would recommend this book to anyone who is mature enough to handle it. There is a lot of intense language in the book. Therefore, whoever is reading it has to be mature enough to here or read these words and not loose focus. Therefore if a 5th grader can handle it, let him read it. However from personal experience, I have lost focus because I saw a curse word in the book. So, if you're mature enough to handle reading intense words, you are able to read this book.


  1. This was a great blog Jeremiah, and I didn't even think of the mature language aspect of recommendation when I was writing my blog! You do have a point in mentioning the characters' dialogue and how it should be handled. I also agree with you when you say how shocked you were that this all happened in one weekend, crazy right? Your expressed very similar thoughts to mine in your blog, and it was really good. You put a good amount of content and thought into your words, and your diction or vocabulary looked really good. Great job JT.

  2. I agree with you do to the fact that many people can not hand the fact that a book has curse word in it while in another form of entertainment they really could not care less about what they said. I was also shocked by the facts that it only took place over a weekend which shows how life can be change forever in less than a few days.
