Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AOW Impressions


           In our gallery walk this week, I learned about two major events happening around the world. The Baltimore riots and the earthquake in Nepal. One thing I learned about them is that the earthquake in Nepal, was the biggest quake in over 80 years. In Baltimore, the riots started because of police brutality. I learned about this from Evie and Diana's article. I learned about Nepal from Sebastian and Sam. They both had different information, but it was because there articles were written at different times. The quake in Nepal reminded me of the 1906 quake in San Francisco.


   In Baltimore, there was a mother who took her kid out of the area with violence because she was so embarrassed. If more parents were like this, the riot would most likely stop. Also, the crime rate would go down and kids would be more likely to attend college. I never knew that if a older sibling stood up and taught their younger sibling/kids the right way to live, our country would be so different.

    This weeks gallery walk was pretty fun. Even though a lot of people focused on the earthquake and riot. I love doing the gallery walks and learning about the current events around the world. Then, when students have the same article, it's interesting to learn different facts about the same topic. I wonder how long we will keep doing these. Also, if we will do it next year in 8th grade. It's been real fun learning about the different events around the world.



1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog. I just think you should talk about Nepal in one paragraph and in the other you talk about the Baltimore riots. It sounds confusing in the first para graph because you topics are everywhere. Otherwise nice job with your other two paragraphs!
