Thursday, May 21, 2015

Final Reflection Blog

1- What are the three most important things you learned this year?


                  One of the most important things I learned this year was how to manage my time wisely. I've heard it's not going to get any easier, so I needed to manage my time better this year than i've done previous years.  If I say so myself I did a good job, well sometimes. Another thing I learned was how to officially right a proper paragraph. I never really knew how to before this year. And the last thing I learned was how to annotate.

       2- What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?

              Something we did this year that I will probably never forget is battle of the books. We lost in a sudden death match because a kid in our group didn't remember something that happened in his book. However, it was really fun. I had to expand my reading just to help my group out. It was an amazing experience and the party we had after the contest was amazing.  Even though we didn't make it far, it was fun and i'll definitely be doing it next year.

      3- What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

           The nicest thing someone did for me was when Sam helped me how to study for my vocabulary quizzes. I was having trouble and my grade was dropping tremendously. I switched the way I studied and my grade started coming back up. I was so glad Sam did that. If I would've had an F I wouldn't be able to play on my basketball teams. 

   4- What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year?

              I taught a new classmate how to find the new vocabulary words and wright them every week. Also, I helped them with studying. It felt good to help someone that had the same problem as me when I first came. Also, I tried helping a student who is no longer here with the blogs, but I guess I didn't teach him well because he's gone. 

   5- In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?

         I feel I'm still making big improvement's on my blog. Every time I do one, I think it's better than the last. I just need to work on commenting, that's where I slack at. One thing I accomplished and was glad, was the big root word quiz. I thought I was going to fail, but I only got one wrong. 

6- What was the most challenging part of this year for you?

     The most challenging thing for me was time management. I still have trouble  with it now. I will try my best to improve on it next year. I think if I managed my time better, my grades would be better. However, this was my best quarter of the year to me.

7- What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think 
it is your best? 

       The best piece of writing that I did this year was my "Poe Reflections." I think it was the best because I used good detail and had a lot of information for each paragraph. Also, I liked it because it was about one of my favorite poets Edgar Poe.

8- Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why?

       The best book I read this year was The Curious of The Dog In The Night Time written by Mark Haddon. I liked it because it was about a boy just trying to figure out a murder of a dog, but he finds more and more about his parents and neighbors. Also, there were intense moments left and right. It was really good and I would recommend it to ages 12 and up.

      9-Advice for the new kids coming to 7th grade

        My advice for the new kids will is manage your time wisely and study  for any quizzes. I thought this year would be easy, but it was not. It's way more challenging then any other classes I took. Get ready for the first hardest grade of your life because it's coming. However, if you work hard you play hard. I went to a lot of plays and trips with this class and they were fun. Plus we got to miss all our classes except 9th, so it was fun. Also the parties were fun as well. The food was amazing. One last thing, if you like a challenge, do battle of the books, its fun and exciting.

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