Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poetry Reflection

Holding Court

By Jacob Saenz
Today I became King
of the Court w/out a diamond-
encrusted crown thrust upon
my sweaty head. Instead
my markings of royalty
were the t-shirt draping
my body like a robe soaked
in champagne & the pain
in my right knee — a sign
of a battle endured, my will
tested & bested by none
as the ball flew off my hands
as swift as an arrow toward
the heart of a target — my fingers

ringless yet feeling like gold

This is a poem about basketball, my favorite sport. It connects to me in so many ways because I love the sport. I have not yet been crowned a champion, but I’m working hard to make it. Our Heritage basketball team failed last year. It was a depressing lost. This poem made me remember how that feeling was, to loose our championship chance by 3 points.
I think it will connect to anyone who truly loves basketball. For the kids that work hard, practice and practice. One of the most important ones I recommend this to are the ones who strive for greatness. Not just people who play the sport, but they must love the sport. Although, people who want to love the sport, this could inspire them.

1 comment:

  1. First off, I loved the poem choice for this blog. The similes and comparisons used to explain the speaker's feelings were phenomenal. I was also able to relate considering the topic really interests me, as you predicted in your second paragraph. I also agreed with your statement on inspiration and how this piece of work could inspire readers. You also included a personal connection which was great! That loss stunk. Good blog Jeremiah.
