Monday, February 16, 2015

The Thief Lord

Blog for 2-9

Prompt:What are some things you do when you don’t understand what you’re reading? What are two emotions the main character has felt? What made the main
character feel that way?What have you learned about life from what you’re reading?

        When I don't understand what I'm reading I do a few different things.  I re-read the paragraph I just read. Then I will think about it, try to understand what I read.  I'll ask myself what is the main idea of this passage. I'll see what words I don't understand and look them up. After all that and I still don't understand, I ask for help. Then if the help doesn't work, then I change my reading material.

        Two emotions Prosper (the main character) felt anger and depression. Scippio had betrayed the whole group. He had lied and said he was a big time thief. He basically told them stories that were all lies. Therefore not just Prosper, but everyone felt anger and depression. Now, the group denies Scippio of everything. He doesn't even get anymore money.

        I learned to enjoy all things I get. Even the little things. Some kids don't get nice and warm clothes on their backs. Or they don't have parents to look out for them when they hurt themselves.  Some kids are very ungrateful, because kids across the world would trade spots with me in a heartbeat. 

1 comment:

  1. Jeremiah- You jump all around in your blog. Pick a topic and expand upon it in your three paragraphs. You have a great start with your 3rd paragraph, however, you don't describe what you enjoy.
