Sunday, December 13, 2015

Have You Ever Wondered

                Did you know the WORLD is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt?! To be exact, $59.7 trillion and counting. The founder of Visual Capitalist, Jeff Desjardins, "Broke down how much of the world's sovereign debt each country holds." This means that he broke down how much each supreme ruler owed in this large debt. America holds the largest chunk of the debt holding 29.05% aka $15 trillion of it. Amazing country huh?

                What started this debt is loans. ( says that majority of the world's debt comes from countries giving loans to other countries that need a little extra money for their citizens or community. The loans and debt didn't start getting out of hand until the 70s. Ever since then it's just been growing and growing. America holds the most debt as I said before, but countries that least owe money are in Africa. That could be the reason why a lot of Africa is in poverty, or the reason they have so many beautiful cities.

               The global clock says that we don't owe our money to the Martians. Even though there have been many rumors that we owe half our debt to them.Citizens mostly thought America would owe money to the Martians because of how powerful our government is. Goofy right?

               This debt in my opinion is good but bad at the same time. However, I believe it is extremely high for what I thought is an amazing world. Also since the best country in the world holds 30% of that debt, it makes me question why we are so powerful. If we don't plan on paying each other back, how are we supposed to trust each other from one country to another. At first I thought it let another country take advantage of a country in high debt, when it really doesn't.

            In conclusion, I presume that you can tell that the world isn't as perfect as we think it is. Well besides the wars and what not. Though, I never even knew the world was even in debt. This project expanded my world knowledge in many different ways.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

1st Quarter reflection

        For my 8th grade year at Heritage, I wasn't expecting this. I thought it would be better than these last couple of years, but it's been worse. There's still the same drama, same annoying people, and everything school related changed. There's no more echalk and there's a whole new grading system. I been beating around the bush and now I deny it because I'm on the verge of getting kicked outof accelerated classes. This quarter made me realize how tough life really is, and how it's not a fair game. It won't be jaunty getting back on track, but I will succeed.

       This past week I started thinking about my future. How I need to gather my 
Life together before its to late, so I'm changing things around for these next 3 quarters. I was looking at some high schools and I really liked Jones Prep. Though, if I want to get into that school, I need to work really hard. My mind has to be set to that and that only, I have to stride to be number 1. I honestly think I can do it, I just hope it's not to late to turn things around.

      People tell me all the time "oh you have such great potential" or "you can be anything you want to be, it must be so easy being you." Well I just think that's a bunch of nonsense because some of the smartest people I know are homeless or out in the streets somewhere. I listen to what they say and I realized that someone with a 2.0 gpa, can teach or know more than someone with a 4.0 gpa. Or sometimes, people are just book smart, they aren't spiritually smart.

    Wow, look at what just this one quarter brought me to. Not even a whole year, just this one quarter has me digging in my head and feelings for answers, or to change my state of mind. I think I can get out the dry spell, this all just might be a phase. I'll think I'll be fine, I'm going to start putting the work in. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

"The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian"

Prompt: introduction, are the characters realistic, and describe the main character.


             I am currently engaged into the book The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian, it is written by Sherman Alexie. I'm not that far into the book, though I know the basis of the story so far. It's about an Indian boy named Junior However, the boy has brain damage and has what you can call a deformed body (At least how he explains it). He has only one friend and they have been growing up together. They also both live in an Indian reservation. 

         The characters of this book are very realistic. The way Junior describes them makes me picture them easily. I like to compare characters to real life people, so I can get an better understanding of how each one talks, walks, and acts. Some of the main characters that have been introduced are Junior, Mom, Dad, Rowdy, and the Andruss brothers (John, Jim, and, Joe).

       The main character of my book is Junior. He has brain damage, but he just says he was born with water on his brain. Really, he was born with cerebral spinal fluid inside his skull. Therefore, he has to many teeth, his hands and feet are to big for his body,  and studders a lot. Despite this damage, Junior is undaunted. When I first read about his brain damage I'd thought he'd be morosely. Turns out he's not that bad at all, in fact he's mostly calm, except when he has his seizures.

Friday, October 9, 2015



  Beware your skin color 
All of the cruel kids beat up black people
They treat black people Like adgi
If they hit you don't fight back 

Violence at school continued. 
As Tewolde and I got older it continued 
We couldn't beat up all the cruel kids 

Hit back and you will be lost 
Don't fight back, ever. 
They can loot your mind and culture 
They can even loot your body 

The 5 Chinese brothers could whip the cruel kids 
They could whip the whole town
They had the solution

We are black
We are poor 
But if you have enough desire 
To outwork everyone, you'll win the race

Monday, August 17, 2015

Summer Blog 2 pt 2

Book: Abduction

Prompt: Do you like what you are reading? How did the reading make you feel? Is what you're reading believable?

                        I loved reading this book when I was younger. it used to be my favorite. However though reading it as I'm older. It doesn't feel the same. I forgot most of the stuff so I was kind of excited. The book was way more predictable. I kinda felt like I knew they wouldn't get away here or they would get caught here. I guess it's because I read it before. Therefore what I was reading was okay. Wasn't bad but wasn't good.

                        This reading made me feel I should appreciate my family more. I have a father that comes home every night. My family is still together. However any of that could change. Also it's not 100 percent my little brother wont get kidnapped. It could happen to anyone. Even me. Therefore now I feel more appreciate of what I got.

                         What I am reading is very believable. Sometimes it could get fictional but besides that you would think this was based on a true story. I wonder if the author ever experienced anything like this. That would explain why it was detailed very well. I hope I get to read more books like this as a vacation book. Always will be a favorite despite what I said in the paragraph before.

Summer Blog 1 pt 2 MAY HAVE SPOILER

Book: Abduction

prompt: Describe something you read that's similar to this and describe the major conflict

                   In the book Abduction by Peg Kehret is another book I finished over the summer. Despite the name it's more of a vacation book. However, the content is way more serious than a Diary of a Wimpy Kid. In this book there is a brother and a sister. The sister is older. They live with their mom because their dad passed away when they were little. But one day the little brother gets kidnapped by a man no one has ever heard of. Now the sister has to make cautious choices of what she does because it could end her or her brothers life.

                 The major conflict of this book is that the brother and the sister get kidnapped. However no one knows by who. The kids later find out whose the man behind his disguise. Bonnie (the sister) has to look out for her and her brother. They make many attempts to escape but fail many times. But this man isn't an ordinary kidnapper. No hes intelligent. Therefore if Bonnie wants to make a break for it, she's gotta lot of thinking to do.

                  Something that I read that was similar to this was a book by the same author. I can't remember the title. However it was about a girl who was baby sitting and two men come in and kidnap her and the little girl she was baby sitting. The parents were rich so the men used them as a bribe. They were kept in a cabin in the woods. They were recorded everyday and the girl uses things she wrote down in her book to help find where they are at.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Blog Two

Book I read: Diary of A wimpy Kid (vacation)

Prompts:  After reading I wonder. describe your least favorite character and Do you like what you're reading

Pages read:Finished

                       After reading I wonder if Greg and Rowley will continue to be friends. I understand you will have arguments but they were separated from the beginning of the school year. Also, I wonder if his uncle will ever switch moods and start to mature. His uncle already had 3 wives. He rushes into things like hes still 16. Rodrick still is looking for a job. I'm kind of surprise because I actually think hes serious. He even took down his rock n roll pictures and started posting pictures of him reading books. I guess Greg will never find that popularity that he is so desperately looking for. Another thing, I wonder why I'm getting so worked up over a vacation book!? Well I guess that's a good thing. I really enjoyed slowing down and reading this.

                        My least favorite character is the youngest brother Manny. He always ruins everything. I don't blame him since hes the youngest because my brother is the same way. However, Manny made Greg fail health class. Also he always finds something and ruins it. I connect to Greg though because ill get in trouble if my brother broke MY stuff! Not always, buts it happened before. I was surprised , but me and Greg will never stop loving them. Besides picking on them is worth getting in trouble.

                       I love this book. I forgot how easy it is, but how good it is. It's the best vacation book. Well at least it is in my eyes. I remember this was my favorite book. Its just good to slow down from your problems and pick up and get the recent updates from Greg. Listening to his problems make yours seem like nothing, depending on the circumstance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer Blog One

Book I read: Diary of A Wimpy Kid (vacation)

Prompts: Describe the main character, describe the character you would like to meet and describe the major conflict

Read: 0-83

              The main character is Greg Heffley. He's not the most popular kid in school. He tries to become noticed but always ends up failing. Whenever he does get attention or noticed it's always negative. He doesn't really play any sports but definitely plays a lot of video games. When he gets older he wants to be famous but that's not likely. He only has one friend and that kid is also not popular. However, Greg lost his friend so now hes basically alone.

              I would like to meet the character Rodrick. Rodrick is Greg's older brother and hes also not very popular. Even though he has his own band, they have a very small fan base. They play rock n roll music. Rodrick is the oldest of his brothers, so it kind of reminds me of me. I'm older than my brother and I like to pick on him. I think me and Rodrick would get along very well. Especially if we planned out things to do to our brothers. However, I met someone like him in real life, except different taste in music. One of my best friends is the oldest brother too. Therefore I basically met my Rodrick.

           There are many different conflicts in this book. A lot. However the main one is Greg finding a new best friend since him and Rowley are split up. I think they will make up, but if not then Greg better start searching. He has one main option but I think he still doesn't want to let Rowley go. on the other hand Rowley is having the time of his life. I think he feels more comfortable since he doesn't have that negative influence in his life anymore. Greg does treat Rowley more like a slave than a best friend anyway.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Paradox Reflection

Paradox: "We shout that we are a nation of laws not men- and then proceed to break every law we can if we get away with it"

        This paradox is almost an everyday thing. People claim that our country fought for freedom and we have our fair laws and equal rights. However though, sometimes those same people break the law whenever they get. Sometimes it's not even citizens! Sometimes law enforcements do the same thing! Therefore, I think this is almost an everyday thing. I've seen people break laws on videos and in real life. Nothing to major though.

       This is a paradox I can relate to in different ways. One, our everyday citizens. We tend to say we love this country but then break the laws it enforces. They would especially break it if they got a free get away. Like the movie the purge. So many people went out to do crime and notorious thing's. Another thing is the law enforcements of this country do it! Shooting unarmed civilians! They shouldn't even breaking the laws if they enforce them, but they do. Most of the time they can get away with it to because of who they are.

Second Paradox: "We spend our time searching for security, and hate it when we get it."

         The paradox right here goes throughout our nation. People look for a home, job, car, etc. Then when they get it, they complain about it. They hate it or it annoys them. Even if it's given to them for free. All they do is start complaining and say how much they hate the place. However, the owner that lets them stay doesn't kick them out,  they let them stay; forgive and forget. It's madness sometimes. If someone spent their half their life looking for a job or home, why complain about it? That's the question, we don't know.

        I can relate to this personally. I knew family members that did it. Unfortunately they passed away, but it was very similar. One would spend all of his days looking for a job, then when he got one, he complained about how much he didn't like it. He'd live with my other relative and they got along, but they argued a lot to. However, no one ever got kicked out or left in the argument. They just forgave each other and got along again. It was kind of like an everyday thing. Complaints went on and on, but now they are in peace.

Commenting on:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Final Reflection Blog

1- What are the three most important things you learned this year?


                  One of the most important things I learned this year was how to manage my time wisely. I've heard it's not going to get any easier, so I needed to manage my time better this year than i've done previous years.  If I say so myself I did a good job, well sometimes. Another thing I learned was how to officially right a proper paragraph. I never really knew how to before this year. And the last thing I learned was how to annotate.

       2- What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?

              Something we did this year that I will probably never forget is battle of the books. We lost in a sudden death match because a kid in our group didn't remember something that happened in his book. However, it was really fun. I had to expand my reading just to help my group out. It was an amazing experience and the party we had after the contest was amazing.  Even though we didn't make it far, it was fun and i'll definitely be doing it next year.

      3- What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

           The nicest thing someone did for me was when Sam helped me how to study for my vocabulary quizzes. I was having trouble and my grade was dropping tremendously. I switched the way I studied and my grade started coming back up. I was so glad Sam did that. If I would've had an F I wouldn't be able to play on my basketball teams. 

   4- What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year?

              I taught a new classmate how to find the new vocabulary words and wright them every week. Also, I helped them with studying. It felt good to help someone that had the same problem as me when I first came. Also, I tried helping a student who is no longer here with the blogs, but I guess I didn't teach him well because he's gone. 

   5- In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?

         I feel I'm still making big improvement's on my blog. Every time I do one, I think it's better than the last. I just need to work on commenting, that's where I slack at. One thing I accomplished and was glad, was the big root word quiz. I thought I was going to fail, but I only got one wrong. 

6- What was the most challenging part of this year for you?

     The most challenging thing for me was time management. I still have trouble  with it now. I will try my best to improve on it next year. I think if I managed my time better, my grades would be better. However, this was my best quarter of the year to me.

7- What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think 
it is your best? 

       The best piece of writing that I did this year was my "Poe Reflections." I think it was the best because I used good detail and had a lot of information for each paragraph. Also, I liked it because it was about one of my favorite poets Edgar Poe.

8- Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why?

       The best book I read this year was The Curious of The Dog In The Night Time written by Mark Haddon. I liked it because it was about a boy just trying to figure out a murder of a dog, but he finds more and more about his parents and neighbors. Also, there were intense moments left and right. It was really good and I would recommend it to ages 12 and up.

      9-Advice for the new kids coming to 7th grade

        My advice for the new kids will is manage your time wisely and study  for any quizzes. I thought this year would be easy, but it was not. It's way more challenging then any other classes I took. Get ready for the first hardest grade of your life because it's coming. However, if you work hard you play hard. I went to a lot of plays and trips with this class and they were fun. Plus we got to miss all our classes except 9th, so it was fun. Also the parties were fun as well. The food was amazing. One last thing, if you like a challenge, do battle of the books, its fun and exciting.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Symbolism Blog


                    Something that symbolizes me is a bouncy ball filled with air. What does a ball do? Bounces right? That's how I feel. I bounce and bounce and keep bouncing. Unless a force stops me. However, it may be hard for that force to stop me. Also, if it stops bouncing, someone or something picks me up and starts bouncing me again. I usually don't stop bouncing or stop going.  Even when i'm at my lowest, I just keep bouncing. This ball is bright, noticeable, and would make someone want to kick or bounce it. That's how I feel when I meet someone new. To me, I feel it would be hard not to like me if I was someone else. Some people may not think about how a ball will symbolize someone because they don't think enough about it. However, I see myself as bouncy ball with air, that won't stop bouncing until i'm flat (dead).

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Of Mice And Men"


IV, What are your general thoughts, feelings, reactions of Of Mice and Men? What had the most profound impact on you or your understanding of the novella? Who would you recommend this  book to and why?

       My general thoughts,feelings, and reactions of Of Mice and Men were surprised. I thought the book was going to be way different. I thought George, Lennie, and Candy would go and get the Dream Ranch and live happily ever after. However, it didn't. George lost his best friend and the dream was over. I felt that they should've just ran away again and got the ranch with Candy. The dream could've still been alive, but I guess George thought otherwise. I was shocked when I seen the movie and George shot Lennie because he did it so fast. I thought he would point it at his head and let Lennie finish his sentence, then shot him. I guess the director felt that George did it quick and fast. That's the only part in the movie that I wish was different. 

       After I finished the book, I realized that the book took place in just a few days. That had the most profound impact on my understanding of the novella. I thought it was weeks, but it turned out to be one weekend. That shows how things back then were different. If it was a book that took place now, I think it would be so different. People today aren't that civilized because of all the electronics we have today. I don't think someone would have the courage to do what George did. Well, at least not a mercy kill. People today would've most likely did it off of hatred. 

       I would recommend this book to anyone who is mature enough to handle it. There is a lot of intense language in the book. Therefore, whoever is reading it has to be mature enough to here or read these words and not loose focus. Therefore if a 5th grader can handle it, let him read it. However from personal experience, I have lost focus because I saw a curse word in the book. So, if you're mature enough to handle reading intense words, you are able to read this book.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AOW Impressions


           In our gallery walk this week, I learned about two major events happening around the world. The Baltimore riots and the earthquake in Nepal. One thing I learned about them is that the earthquake in Nepal, was the biggest quake in over 80 years. In Baltimore, the riots started because of police brutality. I learned about this from Evie and Diana's article. I learned about Nepal from Sebastian and Sam. They both had different information, but it was because there articles were written at different times. The quake in Nepal reminded me of the 1906 quake in San Francisco.


   In Baltimore, there was a mother who took her kid out of the area with violence because she was so embarrassed. If more parents were like this, the riot would most likely stop. Also, the crime rate would go down and kids would be more likely to attend college. I never knew that if a older sibling stood up and taught their younger sibling/kids the right way to live, our country would be so different.

    This weeks gallery walk was pretty fun. Even though a lot of people focused on the earthquake and riot. I love doing the gallery walks and learning about the current events around the world. Then, when students have the same article, it's interesting to learn different facts about the same topic. I wonder how long we will keep doing these. Also, if we will do it next year in 8th grade. It's been real fun learning about the different events around the world.



Monday, May 4, 2015


Prompt: Based on your brainstorming via Edmodo, write a short poem elaborating on your dream and/or why dreams or visions are an important part of life. 

                 Dreams are normal for humans. Everyone around the world has them. From the lowest of the low in a third world country, to the most known king or president of a first world country. As a human, you can not deny the fact that you have some type of dream, good or evil. 

                Us humans dream of thing that are beyond impossible, and things that are just right around the corner. An example would be somebody wanting a cup of water to wanting to live forever. There are lots of dreams in different areas. There is not a day that goes by where no one in this world says "I wish."

             I dream that one day I make a big step towards my basketball career. Playing for Nazareth and hopefully making them better. Getting 3 chances at taking them to state with one of my closet friends.  After, I hope that I go to a D1 college. Mostly Duke, but i'll go anywhere. I dream of making my friends and family proud. I hope I leave no one behind, but if I do. I hope they find it in their hearts to forgive me. I dream of making everyone who doubted me realize what they were missing out on.


Monday, April 27, 2015



Book: Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck

Prompt:Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse. Be sure to include characteristics of different characters that were formally or informally introduced to us in this chapter. Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation.

Why doesn't Curley's wife have a name?   What message, if anything, is John Steinbeck  trying to send by not giving her a first name?  
Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation.

                  The atmosphere of the Ranch house can be friendly, or unfriendly. It's friendly when Carlson and Slim met Lennie and George. They were getting along pretty well. They should get along throughout the whole book. However, it is unfriendly when Curly was trying to get under Lennie's skin. Curly may try to turn people against George and Lennie by fighting them and loosing on purpose to make it seem like they jumped him. The boss also can be friendly or unfriendly, depending on his mood.

                   Curly's wife does not have a name because of the time period the book takes place in. Back then, women didn't have all the right they do today. You can even say they were mostly used as property before. Therefore, she must have not been given a name or she is not allowed to use it. George calls her a "rat trap" and other insulting names by the other workers.

               I think the author's message is women didn't really have respect for themselves back then. Either embarrassed,ashamed, or never experienced respect from another person. Some of the men in the Ranch, including George and Lennie, were calling her disrespectful names. Therefore, she must be used to it, just giving her body away because she doesn't know how to respect herself. She doesn't respect herself because she never felt it respect from another person.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

"The Fourth Stall"


 Do any of the characters feeling change as you’ve read? Explain why or why
If you were a character in this book, who would you be? Why?
Predict what will happen next.

                      The two main characters feelings change just after the first two chapters. They sometimes let kids get free service if it's a really big problem and it could physically hurt the kid. But now, the two main characters (Mac and Vince) have to charge every customer they get. They do this because they are saving up for a Cubs game, which may run them a couple of thousand dollars. Therefore, there feelings went from being naive about the situation, but now they are buckling down about the payments and are becoming hardline with every customer.

                    If I was a character in the book, I think i'd be Mac. The short but mighty leader of the whole business. The boss. I think thats how i'd see myself. I like to be in charge of things a lot. However, I know if i'm not the leader or captain i'll step back a little bit. I won't try to take charge of everything. That's another thing me and Mac have in common. He doesn't try to take charge of everything and everything doesn't always have to be his way. Unless he knows his team, business, or whatever it is, is counting on him... he will take charge and get whatever done.

                 I think Mac is going to try and find two big strong teenagers to protect the little boy. The boy got himself in a hole he cant get out of and he needs protection. Also, Mac needs to make sure his money doesn't get a big dent made in it. Or he won't have enough money for the Cubs game. Another thing is Mac is going to get 24 hour protection for himself because he knows people will be coming after him. 


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection

March 26, 2015

     This years poetry unit was most likely harder than any other poetry unit i've ever done. Even though it was challenging, it was pretty fun. I got to learn all types of poetry. Some i've already heard of and some i've never heard of. The most fun and challenging poem to me was the Nonsense poem. I had writers block and couldn't think of anything, until bam it hit me.  Also it was hard to think of your own words to put in the poem.

     Poetry is usually a vital part of what people have experienced or how their life is or was. Poetry had or has a lot of impact on my life.  It lets me express myself when I can't say it out loud. It's like when people make songs, they usually say what they do.  I feel I write my poetry about how I feel, or what i've seen. Some serious or humorous. Most of my poems are humorous, but if I wanted to, I could make a serious one about how I felt about the world today.

       Poetry belongs to anyone who writes about it. I didn't think I would like poetry, but I found it pretty fun. I know it belongs to anyone who writes about it because there is so many different types of poetry in the world. A lot of poetry is not really judged. There are poems with out commas or punctuation marks. To me as long as you get the basics down of what type of poem you are writing, you really don't have any limit.

Here are the links of some poetry I wrote:

"The Drop Off"

This poem I found is about a character named Dallas moving away but doesn't want to. They drop him off somewhere near his car, but they don't walk him. He looses his cats and the place he is moving to is called Ranch Arabia. This page that was assigned to me was difficult to use and work with to make a poem. It took me about 30 minutes after constantly scanning over the words to find a good poem.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Nonsense Poem"


Setrd: Funny
Ftret: Outrages
Sytey: Purple Monkey
sipdt: blue bananas
hiusty: Green Gorilla
sacknsack: Kidnapped
shabersack: Hut / house
yankyeres: Beyond fun and crazy

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spine Poem

I created this poem because I am currently reading a book about the Holocaust. I feel this connects to the Holocaust and a kid that may have been killed in it. Maniac Magee is the name of the boy. The Boy on the Wooden Box was  Maniac Magee who was hiding from the Nazi's because he was Jewish. Haunting is the boy getting hurt and killed then coming back to haunt others. Trapped is Magee being stuck in a place were he haunts until the Nazi's are done for. In darkness is Magee doing in an evil dark place. No where to run or hide, just haunting in the darkness.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Two Voice Poem

Andrew Frost:                                                                                   Rew:

I have experienced anger issues                                                    I just started reacting to mine
                                                          We are the same

I've seen it's consequences                                                           I haven't hurt anyone
                                                       Our red hair resembles us 

I wish I can take it back                                                              Everyone wishes it won't happen

                                                         Anger is apart of us

I lost close ones because of it                                                      I still have everyone

                                                          It's inevitable 

The pain hurts inside                                                                   It won't hurt me 

                                                      That's what they all say

It almost made me cry                                                                 I'm not like you

                                                       We are equal 

My dreams were crushed                                                              I'm sure it won't be tough

                                                     That's what we think

I though the same                                                                           I won't be the one to blame

                                                    Containment is key

I'm telling you. You wont be the same                                  I know what I'm doing I have more brains                                  
                                                     Be careful what you say 

Thinglink Interactive Poem 3/18/15

Friday, March 13, 2015

3rd quater reflection


              This third quarter was tough going, but interesting. This was the most challenging quarter of my life so far. I had to work really hard and manage my time right, to get my grades back up. Also this quarter, we took the constitution test. Which I wasn't to fond of because I got 77/87, which is a B. I was at an F in math in the begging of this quarter. Although, I did get it up t a B, my parents weren't satisfied. This is a wake up call for me to work harder and finish my class work.

             Even though it was a challenging quarter, I improved on a lot of things this quarter. My blogs have improved since the last two quarters. Also my objective summary's have improved recently. I forgot to put the author's name in the topic sentence and put to much details in the whole paragraph. I learned how to wright different types of poetry. One example is my rhyme scheme poem. We have recently did our extended metaphor. It's posted on my blog if you would like to read it.

            This has been an amazing quarter, besides it being challenging. I hope the next quarter won't be as challenging because I feel I have to much work to do and get stressed out. However, I always love a challenge and feel I always need to come out on top. I'm really looking forward to the next quarter.

Here's some of my rhyme scheme poems.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Extended Metaphor Poem


Two choices in my face
Basketball and football
They were both a huge part of my life
But I could only choose one

Two different groups of friends waiting for me
They want my big choice
Which ever one I don’t choose may despise me
But I could only choose one

The football kids will say I’m to soft to play football.
The basketball kids will say I left my brothers hanging.
Football has concussions
Basketball knee and ankle injuries
But I could only choose one

I have made my choice.
I choose basketball
The football kids just say “ok” and joined us
Then later we played football
I realized we could do both
But I could only choose one at a time.

Zebra Forest Bio Poem.


Outrageous, curious, intelligent, hateful

A character in Annie B's story  

Love of Grams, Annie B, Zebra forest, pirate books, and Chess

Who notices when he's bad at a game and when someone is lying

Who feels angry when he is let down and lied to

Who learns how to beat everyone at Chess and disobey the enemy

Who used to think their grandma was truthful, but now knows she lies

Major character in Zebra Forest

A book that will shock and interest you.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Picture Poem- "The Big Game"

Today was the day.
The big championship game.
The Mustangs are playing GBS
They’re down two points.

They can tie with a layup or
Take the lead with a three
They can play it smart
Or take the lead

10 seconds left.
It’s Over Time now
He gets the ball
He dribbles fast down the court it makes people say wow.
He crosses one defender than another
He goes to the three pointer and shoots now

It looks like it’s good
It rises up and up
Then you hear the sound of iron
changing both the teams mood
Then it bounces out as the buzzer is heard

Game Over

Friday, February 27, 2015

Global Collaboration- Final Draft

       My level of global awareness was low before 7th grade. I didn't really explore, I just hear of events on the radio and the news. However, all I hear about involves wars, killing, bombing, etc. It's very depressing to hear  all of those things, and I wish they told some good news for once. I think I started getting interested in world news during the World Cup. Seeing all those different cultures and religions in one place was beautiful. However, it could've been dangerous because they could dislike each other.

      My collaboration with the Indian and Swedish pen pals put two more cultures in my global awareness. I learned how they talk, where they go to school,and what religions they were. I also learned different games and different types of food they have. I got to see what their school was like and how they learn. Sweden has a different process from Heritage. They don't have the 1:1 program. India also doesn’t have computers. Instead they have study rooms and have different books for each subject.

    The perspective I had on other cultures has changed throughout this project. I thought, since we had computers that they would also have them. They have similar activities as us, but different believes. In India, they have different types of dances and a school team for the game Khoo-Khoo. In America, Khoo Khoo is tag. Therefore, I thought it was weird they had a school team for it.

   The most shocking thing I saw, was from the Swedish group. They have such a big school. They have all types of playgrounds, basketball courts, soccer fields and stuff like that. Their cafeteria is huge. They sometimes get to choose what they want the cooks to make for them! Although, as I mentioned before, they don't have the 1:1 program. That means they don’t have computers to take home. This project is  fun, and I hope to find more interesting facts about these kids.